Elnzst, hogy gy eltntem 2 hnapig, de hossz lenne ezt elmagyarzni s emellett magngy.
A lnyeg hogy ezt az oldalt n mr nem folytatom. :(
Azt hiszem a Dich.gp-re rkre egy virtulis lakat kerl. Nemhinnm hogy valaha is kinyitnk.
Szp volt az a kevs id, amg a lap fnt llt, de ennek hamar vge lett. Ksznm a chatbeli sok-sok dicsretet, amit kaptam az elmlt 2 hnapban, holott meg sem rdemeltem volna.
Ksznok mindent mindenkinek!
Bocsi mindenkitl az eddigiekrt...

DiCh 2010
you go to a doctor ask your doctor if he knows what deadlight is and ask him if he'd even does thedeadlift right now it's like her doctors move you towards surgery they move you towards medicine so well order some two things that you did increase testosterone naturally but will the simple thing was set to increase dietary side cut testosterone a comes from cholesterol which we convert into testosterone so I just increased dietary fat other foods just for people listening if they snobbier confuse me too what like healthy that is P just give some examples does on no on man-made fatso anything that’s like a natural fat eggs any animal animals are awesome Mike.
„ you go to a doctor ask your doctor if he knows what deadlight is and ask him if he'd even does thedeadlift right now it's like her doctors move you towards surgery they move you towards medicine so well order some two things that you did increase testosterone naturally but will the simple thing was set to increase dietary side cut testosterone a comes from cholesterol which we convert into testosterone so I just increased dietary fat other foods just for people listening if they snobbier confuse me too what like healthy that is P just give some examples does on no on man-made fatso anything that’s like a natural fat eggs any animal animals are awesome Mike.